One Planet Living: How many planets do you need?

David Clark
View bioThe world is consuming more resources than our planet’s ecosystem can renew each year.
How many planets do you currently use?
We asked this question as part during our World Green Building Week seminars earlier this year and recently asked our staff from around the world the same question. The answer was too many!
The benefit of doing this survey is that it explains what aspects of your life has the biggest impact and provides tips on how to reduce the number of planets you use.
If you want to find out how many planets you consume and which aspects of your lifestyle contribute most to your impact go to:
UK -
Middle East -
Rest of the world -
Cundall is the world's first consultancy to be endorsed as a One Planet Company, and as a business, Cundall has implemented a number of sustainable initiatives on projects and in our offices - but we know we are not doing enough! As we look forward to 2016 we intend to make significant progress against our One Planet Company targets and to take our commitments well beyond our own business footprint.
Cundall turns 40 in 2016 and the adage "life begins at 40" has given us all a desire to make a real difference. Over the next 12 months we will implement lots of new initiatives to tackle the following:
Company - Reducing the business impacts of our offices and travel
Projects - Training and processes to reduce the impact of every project we do: Great Design = Sustainability + Quality + Technical Excellence
People - Helping staff to reduce their personal footprint
Community - Helping others to reduce their impact through knowledge sharing and by direct action.