The ESG Playbook (and why you need one)

ESG – the new rules of engagement for business
The triple bottom line has evolved, and the new metric for a viable, sustainable and reputable organisation is ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance. But you might have been wondering, what does ESG actually mean? Why does it matter? And what kind of value does it add for assets, enterprises, products and services?
The ESG Playbook is a practical guide to the fundamental principles of ESG and how they can be addressed in any organisation. It lays out the business case for acting on major risks including the loss of social licence, asset stranding and regulatory pressures.
Authored by Cundall ESG Advisory lead (APAC), Madlen Jannaschk, the ESG Playbook also explores the features of successful ESG approaches and how they benefit a business. It draws on real-world case studies, expert reports and maps out the trends being seen in finance, insurance, policy and consumer preferences.
The ESG Playbook also explains how to navigate the field of engagement – and what a winning ESG strategy and pathway will deliver in terms of measurable benefits.