My core focus as a sustainability consultant includes mechanical, electrical and plumbing energy efficiency, both operational and embodied greenhouse gas emissions reductions, climate change resilience, as well as pathways to net zero using renewable energy technologies. I am also a GBCA, NABERS and CBD accredited assessor. I am passionate about what I do at Cundall and believe that considering economic, social, and environmental impacts can lead to design solutions that benefit us all.
Engineering is the synergy of a complex network of working parts, including economic, social and environmental factors. The result of Cundall’s multi-disciplinary collaboration is always greater than the sum of the parts, resulting in outcomes uniquely suited to a place, its people, and the client.
Within the built environment, sustainability is constantly evolving. We take what worked before, apply evidence and creative thinking, and make it even better. I am continually discovering more about building thermal performance, renewable energy technologies and services, and this helps me provide new solutions that benefit our clients and the entire community.

Jason Langman
Sustainability Consultant
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