I have always had a fascination for how things work. When I was younger, I would often dismantle and rebuild items around me. I enjoyed metalwork and technical drawing at school and wanted to become a draughtsperson. After leaving school at 16 I secured an apprenticeship at a building services consultancy, where I was able to follow a structured education and training programme. Here, I discovered my keen interest designing complex projects such as healthcare and life science facilities.
Collaboration is essential between all design team members and colleagues. It enables us to draw on all of our experiences to determine the optimum design solution to any challenge. I am always keen to collaborate, and share my knowledge and experience through my roles as a member of CIBSE Healthcare Committee and the North West Committee of IHEEM. I have also lectured at the University of Sheffield and enjoy engaging with the future minds of our industry and society.
Throughout my career, I have been developing innovative ways of solving challenges. This is at the heart of what we do at Cundall, and that drives my team and I to create comfortable environments that heal, educate and inspire through engineering solutions. An example of this can be seen in the DAERA project, where our team delivered complex engineering strategies to achieve high level containment laboratories.

Stephen Maddocks
Partner, Building Services