Park View Student Village

Newcastle, United Kingdom
Newcastle University
Galliford Try
A key feature of this project was the replacement of 934 outdated student rooms with 1,278 modern student rooms on a smaller footprint which provided valuable space on the site to accommodate a new sports centre and a new sports and medical sciences teaching facility.
Our planning team prepared an Environmental Impact Screening Assessment (EISA) and convinced the local authority that an EIA was not required for this development. This resulted in considerable time and cost savings. We designed a central steel core which contained the lifts, stairs and main M&E distributions. Choosing a framed core structure shortened the overall programme and reduced expenditure.
Gordon Reid, Partner, commented, "The selection of a modular construction solution reduced construction time and enabled all the bedrooms to be handed over in a single phase rather than two phases envisaged by the client. In turn, this early occupation improved the client’s revenue stream. We are very proud that the team’s efforts have been recognised through multiple awards."

Whilst embracing modern methods of construction, we collaborated with the manufacturer to identify the optimum use of their system and utilised traditional methods where appropriate.