Our comprehensive air quality and odour services include monitoring and modelling, as well as expert advice on mitigation measures. These support the construction and operation of new developments.
We are experienced in designing and carrying out monitoring studies. This includes ambient air quality, odour, indoor air quality and atmospheric pollutants including particulate and gaseous contaminants. Our modelling services predict exposure, and the likely impacts on ambient air quality and odour caused by changes in emissions from the completed development. We conduct construction dust assessments to inform mitigation requirements. These are incorporated into dust management or construction and environmental plans. We also provide construction phase monitoring services.
Our team can carry out air quality neutral assessment and damage cost calculations where these are required by the local authority. We provide additional support to successfully discharge planning conditions related to air quality.
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The provision of good air quality and odour advice is based on the evaluation of local emissions such as roads, rail, aviation and industrial developments.